I have experience in:
• UK and overseas (countries worked in include Bangladesh, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Libya, Pakistan, Taiwan, Turkmenistan)
• water-resources assessments
• well design
• water provision for oilfield development (waterflooding)
• geothermal (deep aquifer) exploration and development
• deep drilling and logging techniques
• determination of aquifer properties in the laboratory and in-situ, and their applications
• development of equipment for interval testing and sampling
• impacts of urbanisation, including mains leakage
• tracing groundwater and pollutant movement
• impacts of highway drainage on aquifers
• importance of vertical hydraulic gradients and well construction on groundwater sampling
• Chalk hydrogeology
• aquifer storage
I can provide training course from total novice to Masters’ level in general hydrogeology, groundwater hydraulics, aquifer conceptualisation and in aquifer characterisation, including, planning, conducting and interpreting aquifer tests.