1965-68 University of Birmingham, studying Geology with subsidiary Physics

1968-69 Petroleum exploration geologist, Chevron Standard, Calgary, Canada

1969-70 University College London, studying for MSc in Hydrogeology

1970-92 Institute of Geological Sciences/British Geological Survey, variously in London, Keyworth, Wallingford. Highlights included:

  • 1971-72 working in Libyan Desert (Sarir area) on forerunner of the Great Man-Made River Project
  • 1974-89 managing a core-analysis laboratory
  • 1980-82 and 1983-84 UK Geothermal Programme (Southampton, Larne, Cleethorpes)
  • 1982-83 with Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa as part of Canada-UK exchange scheme
1992-2003 Senior Lecturer in Hydrogeology at the University of Reading, UK. I helped set up and directed the MSc course in Hydrogeology which ran from 1992 to 2003. I taught on the MSc course and to undergraduates and also jointly supervised PhD students. A notable research project for the Environment Agency was to develop an understanding of water storage and movement in the unsaturated zone of the Chalk aquifer.

2003-5 Visiting lecturer at Keele University, teaching a hydrogeology course to final-year undergraduates

2003-6 Visiting lecturer at University of Aberystwyth, teaching a hydrogeology course to final-year undergraduates

2003-present. Consultant hydrogeologist. Clients:

  • Water Management Consultants Limited (WMC), Shrewsbury. I was an Associate (part-time) of WMC. Since it became part of Schlumberger Water Services in 2007 I have continued to work as an occasional contractor.
  • Environment Agency (2006-2010): provision of training courses in Groundwater Hydraulics

Notable projects:

The investigation and development of a water supply for oilfield development in India for a British oil company, together with a CSR project for the company to advise on water supplies to local communities.